Codger on Politics

Monday, January 26, 2015

"Democrats were already wavering about the

Democrat 'In the bubble' Thinking

"Democrats were already wavering about the possibility of going against their president, but now that Netanyahu and Boehner have nakedly politicized the issue, it will give Democrats even more reason to stick with Obama. For years, Israeli leaders — and their supporters in the United States — have gone to great lengths to make support for Israel a bipartisan issue. Yet Netanyahu has repeatedly sided with the GOP against Obama — so much so that he is often derisively referred to as the Republican senator from Israel. This latest action will only increase the partisan divide, and weaken Democratic support for Israel under Netanyahu's leadership."

Democrats know Obama will throw them under the bus in a second. The Republicans are treating Democrat Senators much better than the Republicans were ever treated. Democrats reaching across the isle and denying they ever supported Obama, may be a wise choice. Run to the right? Run, Democrats run.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Freedom of "approved speech" is no freedom at

Freedom of "approved speech" is no freedom at all.

"But are we really? Charlie Hebdo is a weekly paper containing cartoons and reports that is known for being very irreverent and extremely antireligious. It publishes a kind of satire, but what kind? Is it real satire, or is it pseudo-satire? And therein lies an important distinction."

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And anyone who thinks they know better, deserves no freedom of speech since I don't approve.

Monday, January 05, 2015

Delusional Democrats

Delusional Democrats

"If President Barack Obama had approval ratings safely above 50 percent, and the middle-class was flush, Democrats would have no hesitation wrapping themselves in the Obama banner. Conversely, if Obama were presiding over an economic collapse, failed war or White House scandal, there would be as many proud Obama Democrats as Hoover Republicans."

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If Democrats were not delusional, the second case would be true, although there are probably more Hoover republicans than you may think. Obama is the master of misdirection but as he looses power, is ability to hide the truth declines. When the truth comes out we will find that not only are they not Democrats, they never were.