Codger on Politics

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The hubis of the New York elite

While explaining how Ted Cruz was eligible but didn't chose the New York values thing, the author is reviled to be in the New York bubble. His assumptions are many including that anyone not respecting the superiority of the elites both liberal and conservative, are lying about their convictions because there is only one view, theirs.

Ted Cruz's views are better articulated than the authors because he is forced to address the opposing views.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

American exceptionalism

The assumption in the above article, that american exceptionalism is a function of USA as a whole, that is of the government. Rather, it is the exceptionalism of individual Americans to influence outcomes. America is universally regarded as a desirable place to go, except for certain Americans.
Those who despise america and all things american, are the pampered rich. The pampered rulers of other countries also dislike the empowerment of the individual.
The American government is like other governments in being corrupt, and misusing its power. America is unique in the ability to counter balance this corruption. That this article is allowed, is somewhat unique.