Codger on Politics

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

America for Americans

In Search of Americanism - Ned Ryun, The American Spectator
“Republicanism has proved insufficient as a guidepost for American values.”
“Americanism has been polluted by other “isms,””
“The American dream has long been seen in the pillars of our communities, like service organizations, business associations, and religious groups, which today are crumbling along with our bridges, dams, and tunnels.”
IT'S TIME TO FIGHT for the survival of Americanism
Americanism is freedom founded on the power of the individual, and his ability to achieve without undue government interference
All who appreciate Americanism have to celebrate and defend it in their daily lives. America needs everyday citizens to engage continuously on local, state, and national issues.
The magnificent story of America is only over if we choose to let it be. If we’re willing to put our hands to the plow and relentlessly pursue Americanism—and truly fight for it—this nation can be renewed and climb to even greater heights of freedom and prosperity in the 21st century.
That all said, Americanism is not all good, Just better than anything else.  Americans are superior to others in the world, but that is ok, because all are invited to become Americans.  Possibly only in place, due to immigration restrictions, but Americinism is a state of mind, one which has the power to defeat the other “isms”.


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