Codger on Politics

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

""We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek," candidate Barack Obama said in 2008. At the time, his comments came in for criticism: They were narcissistic; they were tautological; they didn't make a whole lot of sense.

But in the aftermath of Obama's 2012 reelection and his second inaugural address, his 2008 remarks seem less a statement of self-absorption than one of prophecy. There is an Obama majority in American politics, symbolized by Monday's throng on the Mall, whose existence is both the consequence of profound changes to our nation's composition and values and the cause of changes yet to come."

Obama's is the majority of the rabble which the constitution guards against. The temporary majority artificially created by the successful indoctrination of the "low information" average citizen. The loyal opposition is empowered to slow down the rate of change in order to avoid a fad to too quickly unsettle the established order.

Progressives chafe under the constraints of the constitution, but in violating it, they would violate their oath of office. They can't rely on others to violate theirs.

The rule of the majority is not a necessary state, and without the constitution, the current government is illegitimate.

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