Codger on Politics

Monday, September 23, 2013

It is the Teachers, Stupid

It is the Teachers, Stupid


"So, in the spirit of "the truth shall set you free," here are a few lies it's time to dispel about U.S. education. I call them lies because they've been repeatedly publicly disproven but remain driving forces for education policy."

Teachers being subpar, is the reason Jonnie can't learn. Insanity is doing the same things and expecting a different result. The teachers unions, the Education collages, and millions of uninspired teachers, want things unchanged. The Democrat party since the teachers unions, and colleges are their supporters, don't want things to change. both Progressive and Conservative, are misnomers. The Progressives are defending the status quo, and he conservatives are demanding change.

When the Democrats demand no program be cut, and claim thereby protecting the people entrapped by those programs, they are resisting change. When conservatives want new approaches, some only as trials to see what works, they are responding to a changing world. As the world changes only a fool things he can resist any change.

Dave Farnsworth


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