Codger on Politics

Friday, January 17, 2014

It is our election to Lose

It is our election to Lose

"Again, it wasn't supposed to be like this. President Obama's election was supposed to be the start of a "new New Deal." With unstoppable majorities in both the House and Senate, Obama would lift the curtain on a new progressive era where our faith in government would be restored. Now, according to Gallup, the American people consider government itself to be the No. 1 problem facing the country.

Liberals are still convinced that their vision is what America wants and needs and that Obama is the right man to give it to us. Assuming Republicans don't immolate themselves — always a possibility — that vision will receive yet another massive rebuke in November. The interesting question then will be whether liberals question the soundness of their faith or insist that the fault lies entirely with the false prophet who failed to deliver them to the Promised Land. "

Republicans can still lose this. We need to encourage voters to meet with party representatives (republican PC's) for a extended discussion. Not the drive by messaging common from both parties. Republicans have the winning argument and neither we nor the Democrat party seems to realize this.

I would propose independents, especially be invited to the discussion and have them invite Democrat representatives to do similar discussions.

What is remaining is winning the argument. We all need to think through and "focus group" the arguments. The participants will be the voters willing to participate, and can evolve into the in-depth discussion needed. Summaries should be published and links distributed.

Thomas Jefferson said, democracy is not ruled by the majority, but by the majority of the participants.

We need to disavow the argument that the Republicans need to present alternatives to the Democrat programs they oppose. We do, but it should not be necessary. The participating voters should should both present ideas and critique those of others. The republicans need to promote the ideas fed up to them by the voters. The voter should not be a spectator but an active participant. We are not selling soap, but governing as representatives.

Dave Farnsworth


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