Codger on Politics

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Doubling down on stupid

Doubling down on stupid

""Political strategy isn't my speciality. I'm a policy guy. But in this environment, it seems to me, the most sensible approach for Obama and Democrats is to defend the Affordable Care Act aggressively—as they areincreasingly doing—while trying to promote other causes, like a higher minimum wage and immigration reform, where Democratic positions are more popular. The more Republicans insist that the big debate over Obamacare is not over, the more they look like obstructionists whose agenda consists largely of trying to undo what Obama has done. 

That perception would line up neatly with reality. And it'd probably help Democrats in November—enough that, just maybe, Obama is baiting Republicans into it.""

This lines up with the Republican strategy up holding democrats accountable for ObamaCare.  ObamaCare itself will provide the continuing problem stream, and Democrats are increasing seen as neither capable nor trustworthy enough to  govern.


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