Codger on Politics

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Presidency too Hard - Whiners need not Apply

The Presidency too Hard - Whiners need not Apply

""Clinton pursued agreements across party lines more consistently than either Bush or Obama. But this persistent polarization likely owes less to the three men's specific choices than to structural forces that are increasingly preventing any leader, no matter how well-intentioned, from functioning as more than "the president of half of America.""" 

There are too many people in  the Federal Government for one man too control. There is a solution here " There are too many people in  the Federal Government".  Delegate, delegate, delegate - to the states, not just the work but the authority.

The states are uniquely able to innovate, with failure rewarded by the states residents leaving. The resulting financial hardship can then be tied to policies. At the Federal level, there is no competing organization (especial as the congress has evolved into the old boy/ old girl network of theft and corruption (which they make legal for themselves only).

Therefore, be happy, don't worry.  Take your perks and let the states do the hard  lifting. Maybe pass a law to keep the gravy train but throw your special interests under the bus(they are so demanding). (It is cheaper pay you directly than to make you survive on merely a 10% kickback)


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