Codger on Politics

Monday, August 25, 2014

A Kinder and Gentler Killing Machine, Doesn't

A Kinder and Gentler Killing  Machine, Doesn't work

""Killing the IS requires neither more nor less than waging war—not as the former administration waged its "war on terror," nor by the current administration's pinpricks, nor according to the too-clever-by-half stratagems taught in today's politically correct military war colleges, but rather by war in the dictionary meaning of the word. To make war is to kill the spirit as well as the body of the enemy, so terribly as to make sure that it will not rise again, and that nobody will want to imitate it.

That requires first isolating the Islamic State politically and physically to deprive all within it of the capacity to make war, and even to eat. Then it requires killing all who bear arms and all who are near them.""

We don't need nation building, we need nation destroying.  We can't be the good guys in white hats, and get this done. We need to be the berserkers with black hats no one wants to piss off. War is hell, and it needs to be to make war less popular.


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