Codger on Politics

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Whistling Past The Graveyard or Those are Sour

Whistling Past The Graveyard or Those are Sour grapes

""First, they have no agenda. The old mantra of tax cuts, spending cuts, and deficit reduction has largely been replaced by incessant attacks against the president's leadership. Trying to identify a Republican legislative agenda for the next two years is like trying to find a moderate Republican politician.

Indeed, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's pitch for GOP control of the Senate is that he will festoon spending bills with a bunch of unpalatable legislative riders that President Obama will almost certainly veto.""

President Obama will certainly veto almost anything put to him, which he will claim is due to a uncooperative congress. He may stop short of shutting down the government, and congress judiciously selecting the departments funded first, will cause Obama to lose the threat of government shutdown.

Of course, the republicans are wise to not explain this. It is soon enough after the senate is in republican hands.

The goal of congress is not to pass legislation, now.  If the country is headed in the wrong direction, it needs to turn it around. With the executive failing to execute the laws, this means that the executive needs to be corrected.

If Obama wants to pass anything of his own, he will have to negotiate.


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