Codger on Politics

Friday, October 30, 2015

The power in doing nothing

The power of the purse, gives considerable leverage with the confidence to wait.  Each time the Senate ignores legislation, or the president veto's it, there should be no rush to accommodate the other obstructionists.
It is said everyone abhors a pause in conversation then rush in to avoid the silence. Sustaining the pause can have a powerful effect.
"The deal, in short, makes sure that the government will fulfill its most rudimentary obligations. Federal law-enforcement agents will continue to go to work; food-safety inspectors will keep up their duties; park rangers will keep tourists from falling into Old Faithful, at Yellowstone. The debt ceiling will be lifted, so the government's credit will remain intact. And, because the continuing operations of these functions will be guaranteed through March, 2017, two months into the new President's term, the House and Senate will not be compelled to do anything else."
What this is saying, is the federal government will shoot the hostages if "we the people" don't go along to get along.  The deal permanently removed the debt ceiling cap. This is very bad. The former speaker is doing no one a favor except his cronies, who will now reward him.


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