Codger on Politics

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mitt Romney is the only adult in the room??

Mitt Romney is the only adult in the room??

This must make Romney uneasy. You know the liberal media doesn't want republicans to win. Does this mean MItt is the biggest loser in the liberals eyes?

"Romney looks like a president. He more than anyone else commands the stage; in this field, he looks like the one who could go up against Obama." Notice, go up against, not win.

"with a few exceptions, used to be metronomically balanced; the voters made a judgment, but the press was reluctant to rush to judgment, preferring to wait for the next set of polls, or hedging any verdict with ritualistic qualifiers. " This is unbelievable, literally. This is Strum fantasizing about what never was. The main stream media, newspapers and broadcast TV, used to define what reality was to a docile public.

"Ever since, debates have turned tides — in general elections and primaries alike. Thus in 1976, Gerald Ford rhetorically freed Poland from Communist domination — and lost the White House. Four years later, after strategically using his debate with Jimmy Carter to reassure Americans of his commitment to nuclear arms control, Ronald Reagan closed the deal as he rebuked Carter: "There you go again."". Strum is implying here he approved of what Reagan said and did. He didn't, Reagan started the decline if the mainstream media til today they are maybe a voice of the past and too hard over liberal to be believed.

The debates are a main stream, yesterday concept. They are scripted to manipulate the republicans to put forward an easy to beat candidate. They are useful in keeping the field open to have a through debate of the issues (except the format prevents this). no one should be judged by debate performance alone.

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