Codger on Politics

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

The coming Constitutional Crisis, actually following it.

“the collision of an increasingly radical Republican Party with a creaky political system poorly equipped to handle unified, fanatical parties.”
This is nonsense. The current political system has stood the test of time.  Progressives are frustrated because it works too well for their tastes. The House of Representatives is supposed to put the brakes on unnecessary spending.  And the Constitution deliberately limited the powers of the Federal Government so it mattered less.
An in the beginning there were nothing but fanatical parties.  It was designed for that.  What is an unfortunate current problem is that the Parties have been conspiring to fleece the public. We need more fanaticisms, not less.  (BTW, the right wing fanatics are late to the party, the left wing fanatics are so ingrained, they think they are the new normal.)
“Barack Obama has enacted entitlement cuts and proposed others, has offered to support tort reform multiple times, and has signed several free trade agreements.”   This is the standard liberal “rope a dope” which has worked so well for them over the years.  They move two feet to the left and are upset when we don’t accept moving back a foot as compromise. The result is no compromise, since we have been played so often.
“Mourdock cited against him: Lugar voted to confirm two of Obama’s Supreme Court nominees. Obviously, Lugar would not have chosen to nominate an Elena Kagan or a Sonia Sotomayor. But he was following a longstanding practice of extending presidents wide ideological latitude on their Supreme Court picks. In the absence of corruption, lack of qualifications, or unusual ideological extremism, Democratic presidents have always been allowed to pick liberal justices”  The two justices mentioned fall in the unusual ideological extremism category.  The fact that the progressives are trying to make their position the norm does not in fact make them less extreme.  Belief in the constitution and the American way are essential.  There are plenty of extreme progressive (socialist, communist, dictatorships) in the world.  America is unique.  Leave it alone.

A Big Defeat for the D.C. Status Quo - Sen. Rand Paul, Washington Times
"Already the establishment cries that Richard Mourdock will not compromise - but compromise has been the name of the game for decades. Compromise leads to ever-escalating military and domestic spending. Washington needs statesmen, not horse traders. Our country needs principled leaders who will stand up and say no to trillion-dollar deficits.
I look forward to a class of Republican freshman senators next January who fit the bill of statesmen - and we will see this strong breed come forth out of primaries in the next few weeks and become victorious in November.
Sen. Rand Paul is a Kentucky Republican."
I agree with Rand Paul on this.


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