Codger on Politics

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A compromise.

The Pro-Life Paradox - Judith Lewis Mernit, The American Prospect
“Twenty weeks marks a crucial point in a pregnancy, when fetal abnormalities can be detected, often for the first time. Many women confronted with a grim prenatal diagnosis choose to have an abortion. Now, in Arizona, they can’t.”
The problem is that, it seems some women have abortions for frivolous reasons.  The left says abortion should be rare, but circumstance require abortion some times. Ok, let’s suppose it is urgent that an abortion be performed,  what assurance does society have that the abortion is needed?  How about after 20 months, any abortion is accompanied by a sterilization. Now there is an incentive not to have an abortion unless really necessary. (Similarly, sometimes it is really necessary to kill your spouse.  If you can do the time, have at it).

"True reproductive freedom isn’t just about having the right to end a pregnancy, she argues; it’s also about not being “condemned to a life of penury” because you had a child. "   I had a sister with special needs.  I lived that life. Those of you who advocate abortion, need to understand how your own life is diminished by this practice. I don't consider reproductive freedom a right, and I would prefer you (abortion rights advocates) not reproduce. In the collective, you too are disposable.

Maybe "Brave New World" they had the right idea.  Sterilize everyone at birth and only allow the really well to reproduce.

Another compromise idea.  let you have abortions when you want, but any viable child, must be given every chance to survive outside the mother's body. Once delivered and breathing, and even before, a doctor failing to give every consideration to the unborn should no longer be allowed to practice. The Mother has a right to be rid of the unborn but not to have it killed.
-from Arizona


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