Codger on Politics

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pogressive rage and anxiety

Mitt Romney's Budget Fairy Tale - Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine
“Mitt Romney delivered a speech today about the budget deficit. It’s hard to wrap your arms around Romney’s argument, because it’s an amalgamation of free-floating conservative rage and anxiety, completely untethered to any facts, as agreed upon by the relevant experts.”  Said Jonathan, Just like global warming, true is whatever the Progressive elite deem it is. “Relevant experts” are in the eye of the beholder.  Hum…. I wish he would have been more specific.  I read the speech and didn’t find any statement fitting the criticism.  Maybe I need to drink the Progressive cool aide? Do they call that transference, where you accuse your opponent of thinking as you do?
An Important change is happening in the presidential race — the belief that Mitt Romney could actually win is spreading. There is a growing confidence among his supporters, and the polls are starting to pick up a shift in his favor.
There is another indicator, however, and it is far more reliable. The left-leaning media is getting hysterical, launching over-the-top attacks on Romney and moving to protect President Obama as they see the public turning away from their man.


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