Codger on Politics

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Radical GOP Inhibits Progressives

Exactly, and that is good.  Movement is not necessarily progress, nor is sticking to the status quo.
“Radical GOP Inhibits Progressives” is more to the point.
“how to generate growth and upgrade the skills of every American in an age when the merger of globalization and the information technology revolution means every good job requires more education; how to meet our energy and climate challenges; and how to create an immigration policy that will treat those who are here illegally humanely, while opening America to the world’s most talented immigrants, whom we need to remain the world’s most innovative economy.
  1. Education- remove the unions strangle hold
  2. Energy and climate change- use facts not progressive religious concepts. Release the feds strangle hold on energy production, and defer climate challenges new rules until there is a true consisus.
  3. immigration policy – be fair to the rest of the world, don’t give broader jumpers a place at the head of the line, and punish illegal entrants sufficiently so the practice is discouraged.
  4. role of government- let us reason together, without the politics of personal destruction.
We need deals on all four issues as soon as this election is over, and I just don’t see that happening unless “conservatives” retake the Republican Party from the “radicals””  Deals? Really.  Isn’t that the real reason we are in this mess.
Maybe the “conservatives” retake the Democrate Party from the “radicals”


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