Codger on Politics

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Democrat Delusion

Democrat Delusion

It's Hard to See Path to Victory for Romney - Charles Blow, New York Times

Reality is a slippery thing. When your world view conflicts with reality, you may get a nasty surprise.
Taking that into account, at this moment, President Obama's chances of being re-elected look stronger than they have in months. The Romney campaign seems to be coming off the tracks with no clear vision for how to get back on.

Romney's panicky, premature excoriation of the Obama administration over violence in the Middle East — a response that was factually flawed and widely panned — only served to shake the fragile faith of those who might be holding their noses to support him. "Anybody but Obama" used to be an effective rallying cry. Lately, it's been more like "anybody but Mitt."
Charles Blow

If Mitt is correct, if Obama is the new Carter, If analysis shows the result was predictable given the Obama apology tour, I believe the Democrats are the ones coming off the rails. For a Mainstream Media man, though, this is all he has. He can't go to being an objective reporter or commentator, he has no experience.

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