Codger on Politics

Monday, November 12, 2012

pariahlike victory

We Just Had a Class War. Democrats Won - Jonathan Chait, NY Magazine
Of course, what the people want is all fairly beside the point now. What matters in Washington is power and leverage—two things that accrued dramatically in Obama’s favor last week. But it’s not irrelevant that American voters had a chance to lay down their marker on the major social divide of our time: whether government can mitigate the skyrocketing inequality generated by the marketplace. For so many years, conservatives have endeavored to fend off such a debate by screaming “class war” at the faintest wisp of populist rhetoric. Somehow the endless repetition of the scare line inured us to the real thing. Here it was, right before our eyes: a class war, or the closest thing one might find to one in modern American history, as a presidential election. The outcome was plain. The 47 percent turned out to be the 51 percent.
Do you suppose the majority wanting free stuff will realize nothing is free when they lose their jobs, and their welfare, and there are no doctors to keep them well?


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