Codger on Politics

Saturday, February 02, 2013

A contrast in arguments

A contrast in arguments

Presidents weekly Message

"2013 can be a year of solid growth, more jobs, and higher wages. But that will only happen if we put a stop to self-inflicted wounds in Washington. Everyone in Washington needs to focus not on politics but on what's right for the country; on what's right for you and your families." A lame replay of the stump speech. Move along, there is nothing new here.

The republican Weekly Message (not a response)
"It's time for the president and Senate Democrats to produce a serious budget and join us in tackling our nation's spending problem."

I enjoyed Susan Brook's weekly message. In contrast to the President's, It was truly speaking truth to power. Mrs. Brooks is a freshman congressman as apposed to the most powerful person in the executive branch- and she didn't mention his name!

She addressed the delinquents in the Senate with a straight forward proposal: do your job, or don't get paid.

Sent from my iPad


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