Codger on Politics

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The presidents mad dog attack team

The presidents mad dog attack team

"Woodward's most recent Obama book also took the position that presidents "should work their will … on important matters of national business," though how one's will should be worked on a congressional opposition party led by a weak leader and unwilling even to negotiate with the president is never really explained. As Jonathan Chait points out, "use mind control to get your way" is an incredibly popular argument among centrist establishment political reporters and analysts. It is a convenient way of taking a debate where most people agree that one side has a reasonable position and the other side an unreasonable position and making it still something you can blame "both sides" for. Sure, the Republicans are both hapless and fanatical, but the president should make them not be."

The presidents position is "my way or the highway" and his compliant media backs his positions with savage attacks on those who fail to agree with him. And those attacks are personal and with an aim to annihilate the appoint. It is inconvenient to have to comply with the constitution but that is the job.

What the president needs to do to see progress is to meaningfully compromise and quit turning everything into a political attack. The republicans have some power, and the president needs to respect that. Other presidents have been able to sweet talk political opponents, so why does this one completely lack that skill?

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