Codger on Politics

Sunday, February 17, 2013

more klugmanisms

more klugmanisms

"At the same time, Republican orthodoxy is wrong. Slashing the size of government will not magically solve our problems. Novel policies that move beyond 1960s liberalism and 1980s conservatism are needed."

What we need is smarter government. the smaller the government the more likely that it will act smartly. or any problem where the market can work, it is smarter than any government. That is because the market weeds out solutions that don't work. Therefore, the comment is wrong.

"For here we are, more than five years into the worst economic slump since the Great Depression, and one of our two great political parties has seen its economic doctrine crash and burn twice: first in the run-up to crisis, then again in the aftermath. Yet that party has learned nothing; it apparently believes that all will be well if it just keeps repeating the old slogans, but louder."

Here we have agreement, it is just that the party in error is the Dems.

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