Codger on Politics

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who the hell is Mark Salter

Who the hell is Mark Salter

Mark Salter is the former chief of staff to Sen. John McCain and was a senior adviser to the McCain for President campaign. He is the ruling class representative that through Sara Palin under the bus. So when he speaks of playing you for a sucker, he knows what he is talking about.

"And don't worry about Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin and the handful of your fellow elected officials who tell you only what you want to hear. They'll be fine. Your intransigence is good for their business. But you might discover, as you see how seriously your tactics have set back your progress, that it's they, and not the Republican establishment, who've been playing you for suckers all along. "

Mark, did you conceive of the possibility that this would get this far? The war is not over, and the battle is not yet over.

"Why? Because, dear bravehearts, you don't have the numbers to prevail. You're a minority. You're a minority in Congress and you're a minority in the country. A majority of Americans might tell pollsters they don't like Obamacare, but guess what? They like the idea of shutting down government even less, as every recent survey has shown. And they'll blame Republicans for it -- and make them pay for it."

What if keeping to our principles, makes us a majority in congress, (we are already a majority of the participants in democracy.) . With Mark Salter out of the picture, that could happen.

Dave Farnsworth


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