Codger on Politics

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Will the Elderly Benefit?

Will the Elderly Benefit?

The claim is that if the Supreme Court removes the compulsion for home health care workers to be forced into a union, fewer people will chose to be health care workers.

"Additionally, the home-care workers' status as public employees should be relatively uncontroversial. The elderly and disabled individuals that the home-care workers serve have the right to hire, fire and direct them within certain parameters, but the state pays their wages and benefits and has passed a statute categorizing home-care workers as state employees. Importantly, home-care workers' rights to bargain collectively are limited to those matters that the state controls."

What good is the right to hire and fire (within the limits of the state regulation), if the pool to hire from is filled with slugs. I do not trust the unions to determine who is qualified nor do I trust the state to represent the best interests of the elderly. State control and union control the double whammy.

The elderly are at risk because of their low resistance scams. I don't believe a union lawyer is a person to take advice on what is good for the elderly.

Dave Farnsworth


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