Codger on Politics

Friday, May 09, 2014

It's The Coverup, Stupid!

It's The Coverup, Stupid!
Sure, there was a period of time after the attack when Republicans and Democrats alike were making a concerted effort to determine what really happened that night. We all wanted a thorough investigation into how the attack came about, why our military couldn't save the victims, and who was at fault. The families of the four brave Americans killed in Benghazi—Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty—deserved an impartial inquiry."

Like watergate, it isn't about what happened in Banghazi or the second rate robbery, but the illegal actions used in the coverup. Lying to congress is a "big fucking deal".

Previous investigations worked on the edges of the coverup. The new one will unravel the government wide conspiracy. As the bit players fall on their swords (or not), the truth will come out.

There are too many lies in play, and the players are not that swift-- dude!

Dave Farnsworth


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