Dem (pronounced "Dim")
In defense of all "David Farnsworth"'s
"" Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
I don't watch a lot of television, mostly because of crappy television programming like NBC's post-apocalyptic science fiction television drama Revolution, the premise of which is that all electricity on Earth has been disabled and people are forced to adapt to a world without electricity.
Television is crappy because of "progressive" slant on news and programming. I would say the author not only doesn't watch but does't read or discuss. Isn't the no electricity thing a part of the Dem war on coal?
""Yeah, the key here is "nuclear blast." The loss of electricity is the least of your worries. You are either dead or dying. Game over. Here is an older television movie he should watch. The Day After (1983).""
Is the author pretending ignorance or is he the real thing. People with this attitude will be dead by their own hand. Where there is life there is hope, and remember with the government control of the military, there is a good chance the blasts will be ineffective. - now there is a '"I hate guvmint" rant'
"an "I hate guvmint" rant. So what does Mr. "constitutional" chickens propose to do about it?"
Does this this make any sense? Prior to this statement there was no rant. Or does the suggestion of individual responsibility constitute a rant. Is commitment to the constitution a rant? What does this guy have against chickens? As to "what is he proposing to do about it", Taking the government out of the hands of the crony capitalism contingent in both parties is a good start. The republicans are ahead of the Democrat party, in that respect. Another is to make an informal intelligence test of all politicians, and not voting for the more idiotic.
Caution: read sparingly of the above link, it appears you would be risking brain damage.
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