Codger on Politics

Monday, June 02, 2014

Unamerican Dems

Unamerican Dems

"'For two centuries there has been bipartisan agreement that American democracy depends on free speech. Alas, more and more, the modern Democratic Party has abandoned that commitment and has instead been trying to regulate the speech of the citizenry.

We have seen President Obama publicly rebuke the Supreme Court for protecting free speech in Citizens United v. FEC; the Obama IRS inquire of citizens what books they are reading and what is the content of their prayers; the Federal Communications Commission proposing to put government monitors in newsrooms; and Sen. Harry Reid regularly slandering private citizens on the Senate floor for their political speech.

But just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does. Senate Democrats have promised a vote this year on a constitutional amendment to expressly repeal the free-speech protections of the First Amendment."'

Democrats think they can make their un-americanism out of bounds. Not the actual un-Americanism just descriptions of their un-americanism. President Obama my be right that "You didn't build that" in many cases, but neither did he or the federal buracricy. Any good done on there part is incidental to their self survival.

The hidden hand of commerce has people cooperating each seeking his own objectives. The government is just another player, and not a very effective one.

Corruption in the Federal government is offsetting the little good it does with distortions due to cronyism. Both parties, but the Democrats are more unabashed in forcing other to their will.

It is time to get the government out of free speech and the perks out of government. Perks that lets the government self perpetuate.


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