Codger on Politics

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Successful Coverup

A Successful Coverup

""A superb analysis by Washington journalist Michael Hirsh, for Politico magazine, details the flimsiness of the most serious Benghazi charges. There's "little evidence that Clinton or anyone else in the Administration engaged in a cover-up." The Republican goal, he writes, is to make the attacks on Hillary Clinton a refresher on what she would face in 2016, making her more reluctant to run.""

"There is little evidence" indicates the coverup has succeeded. But what little evidence there is
is a sufficient reason to investigate. Unlike Nixon, the president Party is complicit. The federal civil service has participants in the over up also.

It is counter intuitive that any thing by the federal government would succeeded so we'll. Maybe the possibility of if jail is a strong motivator.


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