Codger on Politics

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Absence of Intellect

Absence of Intellect

"There was a certain risk in having Alito deliver the 5-to-4 opinion defending corporate personhood, because his mannerisms are strikingly robotic for a human. Assigned both of Monday's opinions, Alito delivered a 33-minute monologue — his only departure from the text before him was to raise his head mechanically at intervals and glance at a table to his right — that seemed to have a soporific effect on his colleagues. Clarence Thomas rubbed his head, Anthony Kennedy rested his head in his right palm, Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who was to read her dissent in the Hobby Lobby case) drank a large quantity from her coffee mug, and the others stared ahead with unfocused gazes."

Typically progressive, appeal not to intellect but to emotion and hate. Granted a soft hate.

we don't like the successful, the corporation, robots, coffee mugs, and unfocused gazes


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