Codger on Politics

Saturday, July 26, 2014

We the People Have Standing

We the People Have Standing

""Much more than Obamacare is at stake with John Boehner's lawsuit. The very legitimacy of the Obama administration is on the line. This is a much bigger deal than any policy squabble, however important the policy. Can a president really flout explicit provisions in the Constitution with impunity?

President Obama systematically refuses to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. The Supreme Court, to protect the Constitution, its own institutional integrity, and its reputation, well might rule on this. Obama's breaches of Constitutional faith have been blatant and repeated. Not content with having fulfilled his true electoral mandate to bring home the troops and restore America to a peacetime footing, which this columnist has praised, Obama, by being unfaithful to a clear Constitutional directive, has put his legitimacy at risk.

Comes now John Boehner to checkmate a renegade President. Simply by bringing this action Boehner deserves to go down in history as a great Speaker, a great defender of liberty, and a statesman. If he wins, as well he might: Checkmate, Obama.""

In a republic, the peoples representatives, make the laws at the direction of the constitution. If the executive branch fails to abide by those laws, the public is harmed. The risk is chaos. The danger to every citizen is real and life threatening. To say the house of representatives does not have standing, the people of the United States does not have standing.

To see chaos in action we have examples in the Mid East and Africa. Chaos leads to massive death. Chaos is a descent into barbarism. The latest example is the Crimea, which has experienced a loss of services with the separation from the UkraineIn the 1920s people in the United States were starving. Technology, and the stability of the system has eliminated that problem (some may say we still have hunger, but that is just saying we always want more).

Nazi Germany was the result of chaos.

It is the weak who are the first victims. you too will be a victim, though if the confidence in the rule of law is lost, the vast layers of government will be unconstrained. Separate jurisdictions will battle one another. We are now seeing the states against the federal government. Don't blame the states. We are allowing lawlessness to reign.

So we have jurisdiction. Lawlessness will definitely cause us harm. The founding fathers have directed us to use force if necessary, to defeat domestic enemies. Lets not let it get to that. Jefferson said the cause of liberty sometimes requires the blood of patriots. I feel I am a patriot, but I want my blood to stay where it is.

Dave Farnsworth


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