Codger on Politics

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Democrats are the new evil Republicans

Democrats are the new evil Republicans
""Time has been cruel to many once-revered political assertions. No, all politics is not local. No, the road to the White House does not lead through New Hampshire. The "solid South" hasn't been a solid Democratic redoubt since 1944; "rock ribbed Republican" New England has yielded a grand total of four electoral votes for the GOP in the last six Presidential elections. ""
We have switched roles.
Republicans have lost their edge in the corporate corruption, switched regions of the country they represent, and have had a fresh wave of new faces.  I don't believe the main stream Republicans have lost their desire but with the tea party knocking off the low hanging fruit The replacements have yet to learn. Plus some of the news guys are refusing the training. The real reason is the Democratic hunger for corporate and union dollars and the blanket amnesty for democratic criminal activity. We just can't compete.  Besides we can't bring home the bacon. Harry Reed is a gatekeeper blocking all legislation, meaning republicans have no leverage.
An now a new innovation, corruption by executive order. Republicans are locked out.


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