Codger on Politics

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The President Has no Class

The President Has no Class

"" Did they really not see good old Republican obstructionism lurking during those long months of fruitless negotiation over Obamacare? Did they never give serious thought to some way of cross-pressuring or deflating the Tea Party upsurge? And why does it never seem to occur to the Democratic leadership that turning over economic policy to arrogant Wall Street revolving-door types—a.k.a., the experts—might stoke public outrage?""

All negotiation with democratic representatives and senators out for their cut.

""One reason for this, according to a memo Greenberg's consultancy issued that year, was a perceived lack of accountability in Washington; another was the perception that the government cared only for the views of the rich.

Even when cynicism of this sort is caused by Republican misbehavior—as it was in 2007—it is poison for liberalism, a philosophy which is attached inescapably to government. Let such toxins work for long enough and they will kill our movement. That's why Stanley Greenberg pointed these things out and urged Democrats to take heed. Maybe that's also why Barack Obama used to promise a war on lobbying and to bring "new ideas and new leadership" to Washington.""

Poison for liberals is a good thing.

""And that, folks, leads us to the greatest disappointment of them all: This administration's utter failure of imagination. I admit that this beef might be peculiar to me, since one of the reasons I was once so psyched to see Barack Obama in the White House is because I thought he was a man who respected learning, intelligence, new ideas. Maybe he still does, in his private life. But as president, he couldn't seem to see what is obvious to everyone who is not a regular golfer at Congressional: That ignoring the conventional and facing down the Republicans and doing the right thing—on the stimulus, on the banks, on inequality—would also have made him enormously popular, not to mention consequential and successful. It might even have spared him the electoral comeuppance he received in 2010, and whose second installment he seems likely to take delivery on just a few weeks from now.""

The Obama administration was very imaginative, they thought, and think they can corrupt every executive department and it would not be noticed. Now they can start imagining themselves in orange jump suits.

Obama has fashioned himself as a superior intellect, in a country that knows he is not. This atitude is very unpopular in the united states.  Philosopher Princes do well not to advertise their  superiority complexes, especially when they are less than superior.


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