Codger on Politics

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Liberals don't get it.

Why the Right Really Hates Obama - Theo Anderson, In These Times
why ‘that hopey changey stuff’ is the only true antidote to Tea Party cynicism.
What is the antidote for Liberal cynicism?
What makes this so damaging and dangerous is that cynicism breeds only cynicism, and hopelessness is a self-fulfilling prophecy. So it’s interesting to consider that, at the heart of the biblical narrative that so many of the Tea Party faithful claim to believe, there’s more than sin and corruption. There is also the possibility of redemption and a basis for hope. There is a Messiah.” Does this make us Clingers?  So you read the Bible, was that opposition research? This is complete BS, but it has a tonal quality of truth, keep trying. Is it cynicism to ignore religious advise from a godless progressive?
“So the source of the Right’s hatred of Obama isn’t just that he’s a black man and a liberal. It’s also that he’s so much better than any Republican at articulating “that hopey changey stuff,” as Sarah Palin once derided it. The mockery of Obama as the Messiah reveals far more about the Tea Party than it does about the president. They long for a Reagan-style message of hope and possibility. What they get is…Mitt Romney. “
I believe the real problem with president Obama, is his phoniness. He is not really a black man (half Black but all progressive), He is not really concerned about following the constitution. And he really believes he is better than all of us.  He really believes he should be give dictatorial powers (for our own good).


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