Codger on Politics

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Obama hates business, unless he can roll them.

Bobby Jindal Should Know Better - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
He said: Which is why it’s so disappointing when he says things like this: “I suspect that many in the Obama administration really don’t believe in private enterprise. At best, they see business as something to be endured so that that it can provide tax money for government programs.”
He didn’t say:
“Consider what it would mean for Jindal to believe what he’s saying. It would mean he thinks there are real, living, breathing humans in the Obama administration who unhappily endure Apple’s existence because it leads to tax revenue, or who walk into their local hardware stores and can stomach the experience of buying a hammer only because they know deep down that some percentage of that purchase is headed to Medicare’s coffers. No one in the Obama administration thinks like that. These days, no one in China even thinks like that. To find anyone who actually thinks like that, you need a Hot Tub Time Machine set for the Soviet Union in 1973.”
This is obviously a straw man argument.  But if Bobby Jindal did believe this, what is so wrong?  You can’t know what they are thinking but the actions are consistent with the statement. In every instance the progressive leaning want government to do whatever needs doing. Are you sure, Obama doesn’t have an apple guideline, and a organization to enforce it?  Who would have thought GM would become government motors.
I believe no one in China thinks this way, but Obama? Castro thinks this way and Castro likes the way Obama works.
and finally: "If these policies have caused serious distress, it’s hard to detect in corporate bottom lines. After taxes, corporate profits amounted to 6.9 percent of GDP in 2010 — the highest level since 1966." This is just the crony capitalists.  The honest business men were in a hurt.


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