Codger on Politics

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Shut her down

Shut her down
The myth of the presidential mandate
Posted by Ezra Klein at 08:52 AM ET, 06/08/2012

"If voters don't like that state of affairs -- if we want elections to produce leaders who can govern effectively -- then the question, really, is what our theory of change is. Because simply turning Democrats and Republicans in and out of office doesn't seem to be working."

Maybe the Progressives have had their share of getting things done, and now everyone effected is ready for a pause. They won't get it though because the government machine grinds on.

I propose a little creative distinction as we have seen in Wisconsin. The house has the power, it should turn off the money, don't pass appropriations for the coming year. If the presidency is taken, remove the executive approval of federal worker unions.

If the Federal government is paused, the states have the capability to take up the slack.

Sent from my iPad


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