Codger on Politics

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Does anyone still read the mainstream media

Does anyone still read the mainstream media

"Speaking of kinds of madness, Woodward's actual position here is insane. "

"Bob Woodward's name is synonymous with Quality Journalism, mostly because of one really good movie. The movie, based on a book that is riddled with exaggeration and misdirection, permanently established Woodward as the best shoe-leather reporter in politics, though his modern reporting style does not put too much of a strain on his Ferragamo loafers" It is amazing that anyone could write such drivel, and solon is not at risk of being thought of as synonymous with quality of any kind.

is ALEX PAREENE stupid, or what. -excuse me, I have dipped down to his level.

". (And yes the Reagan line, lol.)" Alex, you seem to be laughing at inappropriate items.

"There is nothing less important about "the sequester" than the question of whose idea it originally was. " Really, a bold face lie is unimportant?

"In 2010 he said a Hillary Clinton-Joe Biden switch was "on the table," although it was not. He suffered no professional consequences for saying made-up nonsense. Bob Woodward has lost it, let's all stop indulging him." Alex didn't lose it because he never had it, let's all stop indulging (or reading) him.

Oops, I did read it. My bad.

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