Codger on Politics

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

The sure path to world war- appeasement, and weakness

The sure path to world war- appeasement, and weakness

"Like Richard III, the hawks fear that Obama, Hagel, and Brennan will make all the wars go away"
I can't speak for others but I don't want war, and the author knows that. This is a baseless slander, and straw-man argument. Please address what it is that makes anyone think the blunder in chief can do anything correctly. As all progressive action, intent may be there but ability is not. An assistant blunder who has no backbone to keep the President from continuing blundering in to the war cause by unintended consequences, Hagel is not up to the job.

"And yet, as I have written, Hagel's policy views are invariably well-thought-out, and he himself qualifies as quite a profile in courage when it comes to the anti-Iraq war side of history. Obama's famous dismissal of the Iraq invasion as a "dumb" war, and Hagel's distinguished record of defiance toward his own party to oppose the war, amount to a living refutation of McCain's and Kristol's entire worldview. A decade ago, McCain and Kristol were leading hawks who claimed that Saddam Hussein had connections with al-Qaida and that weapons of mass destruction would certainly be found, and that George W. Bush could do it all and still preside over a strong economy."

"well thought out" must be 'New Speak', it certainly isn't reality. Could it be that anyone who parrots the Progressive line is thoughtful in spite of the blundering path it is used to get there?

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