Codger on Politics

Monday, May 06, 2013

Progressives exposed for the selfish, self centered skumbags they are

Progressives exposed for the selfish, self centered skumbags they are

"Their sanity was called into question. 'What do these people want?' one distinguished academic said to me.
'Do they want unhappy parents to stay together?'
Eventually, he admitted that the authors' research was correct. But he said it was impossible to turn back the clock and wondered why there was so much concern about the rights of the child rather than of the parents.
He turned out to be divorced — revealing a devastating pattern I was to encounter over and over again. Truth was being sacrificed to personal expediency. Evidence would be denied if the consequences were inconvenient.
Self-centred individualism and self-justification ruled, regardless of the damage done to others.
Surely, though, the essence of being 'progressive' was to protect the most vulnerable? "

""‘The worst damage to a child is always done by the traditional nuclear family!’

I could only gaze at him, defeated by the stupendous shallowness of such an attitude. 
The ones who were the most aggressive and offended, I noticed, were those who had walked out on their families or were cheating on their spouses.
This revealed another sad truth about the Left. What matters to them above all is that they are seen to be virtuous and compassionate. They simply cannot deal with the possibility that they might not be.
They deal with any such suggestion not by facing up to any harm they may be doing, but by shutting down the argument altogether. 
That’s because the banner behind which they march is not altruism, as they kid themselves. It is narcissism. 



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