Codger on Politics

Friday, May 31, 2013

Some times it is better to do nothing

Some times it is better to do nothing

"WASHINGTON -- With budgetary tantrums in the Senate and investigative play-acting in the House, the Republican Party is proving once again that it simply cannot be taken seriously.

This is a shame. I don't share the GOP's philosophy, but I do believe that competition makes both of our major parties smarter. I also believe that a big, complicated country facing economic and geopolitical challenges needs a government able to govern."

Maybe there is too much governing going on. Robinson my want us to ignore the breaches of the constitution, but we would do well to address them. Dems are fond of saying if a possible bad thing can happen, it should be prevented,no matter how unlikely.

If the last election was stolen by government workers breaking the law, it could well be the last free election. The government has too much power. We need to stop this even it means no free bread and circuses.

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