Codger on Politics

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The problem of not seeing your own bias

The problem of not seeing your own bias

"The IRS is no longer targeting groups, but the underlying problem remains; as Senator Max Baucus of Montana put it, "a Mack truck is being driven through the 501(c)(4) loophole." Political groups are still streaming into a tax-exempt designation that was never intended for them, leaving the IRS to make subjective judgments about which groups are too political to warrant that status and which are not."

When is a loophole not a loophole. What Max is trying to say is that this was a loophole designed for Dem groups. It is being used to prevent having to revile donors, by Rep groups not tax exemption. The Dems want the donors reveled so they are subject to harassment. Protection from harassment is not a loophole.

Using the Federal government to harass Rep groups is not legal, so harassment protection from them should not, but is necessary. The ongoing Dem policy of the politics of personal destruction is a valid reason to require protection of donor identity.

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