Codger on Politics

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Hypocrisy any one, we on the left have a surplus

Hypocrisy any one, we on the left have a surplus

"MARTIN BASHIR: The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to used the president's birth certificate. You see, for Republicans like Darrell Issa, who knows something about arson, the IRS now stands for something inflammatory. Those three letters are now on fire with political corruption and malfeasance, burning hot. Just like that suspicious fire that engulfed Mr. Issa's warehouse back in 1982. "

Alluding to events in the far past shows the hypocrisy of the left. Maybe not Martin himself, since I don't read him, so don't know. I try to read the views of the left, but they are so repetitive, and devoid of thought. No, I do try bur it is so difficult and unsatisfying.

Anyway, to accuse Bobby Jindal of being in a hotel with a women not his wife in the 1980's, without some supporting remarks, is hypocrisy. The left is famous for if it feels good, do it. A kennedy "can have have sex with that woman" then have her to drown in his car and that is ok. The killing of our ambassador is so yesterday that "what difference can it make, now?"

MARTIN BASHIR is also impugning the right with the modus operendi of the left. theres is the basic racism. All of their "blacks" must be left, or they attack them relentlessly. Io attack blacks more often then whites on the right, is racism. To attribute all criticism of the president as racism when he has other attributes, is racism.

O course in Martins defense, no one actually believes him, they are just supposed to go with the emotion. The left never needs facts, they are just made up to fit the story line. If a extremist attack doesn't fit, throw in a feeble excuse for a video (or the review of a video, or something)

The president can't possibly understand the IRS after only 150 meetings, come on, thats the racism of low expectations. Or as they said of Bush, "a lack of curiosity" of what his minions are doing.

The lies are unraveling, and everyone is in a panic. Take a breath, lefties, the panic is hurting your already poor performance. Take your licks like a man (or is that too sexist?)

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