Codger on Politics

Friday, September 27, 2013

Couldn't have said It better myself

Couldn't have said It better myself

"Of course, when it comes to Obama, the GOP's rhetoric has been turned up to "11". Republicans have played on the fears of those who believe Obama is a socialist, Muslim, or a proud native son of Kenya. They have decried his war on political freedom; his war on gun rights; his war on business; his war on the middle class; his war on the nation's future generations; and his surrender to foreign tyrants. And they have portrayed his policies as a fast train to America's destruction – none more so than his signature legislation, Obamacare.

Since 2009, Republicans have practically fallen over themselves to describe a plan to provide health insurance coverage for 30 million people and lower healthcare costs as "the worst thing ever to happen to America".

According to Republicans, Obamacare represents a government takeover of the healthcare system (it's not); it was passed in violation of the will of the American people (it wasn't); it covers illegal immigrants (it doesn't, but it should); it will put government bureaucrats in charge of your healthcare decision (it won't); it is already causing widespread job losses (it's not) and will destroy the economy (it won't)."

The Republican position is well stated, but the "it won't" statements are unsupported.

"government takeover of the healthcare system" - it is, whether in it it's current form, or merely creative destruction to make room for the socialist follow on. It is more likely the destruction since Doctors are being forced out of business. What good is insurance if there are no doctors? The image of Uncle Sam participating in the pelvic examine is exactly on target.

Passed in violation of the will of the American people (it was). 100% of Republicans were opposed, and a number of democrats had to be given hefty bribes to vote yes. In combination, a majority had to be initially against it, plus if the democratic members had had an election just prior to their vote, many would have been gone, as they were in the next election.

it will put government bureaucrats in charge of your healthcare decision (it will, the death panels are alive and well.) The detail in the law, outlawed virtually all existing health plans, leaving only the government formulated versions.

it is already causing widespread job losses (it has). Every 50th employee is at risk. and every employee above 50, is having his role studied since new costs are associated with their staying. Only the government employee is safe, but maybe not due the huge backlash that is still coming.

will destroy the economy (it has) - The government controls the reporting and they have their thumbs on the scale. The reported unemployment is artificially lowered and the "quantitative easing" has artificially inflated stock prices. In the real world the economy has declined and is continuing to decline. Of course the Dims have not succeeded in destroying the economy completely, but that is just because they suck at everything.

Dave Farnsworth


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