Codger on Politics

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dems recognize power of the Tea Party

Dems recognize power of the Tea Party

"The Tea Party is the most destructive force in American politics today. Over the last few weeks, it has demonstrated again that its intent is not to shake up the establishment but to burn down the village. As a Democrat, I disagree with its policy positions, but its policy positions alone are not what make the Tea Party so dangerous. What makes the Tea Party dangerous is its members' willful disregard for the most basic tenets of American democracy. They do not believe in the legitimacy of our president. They do not believe in the legitimacy of decisions handed down by our Supreme Court. Unlike President Obama, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, or a host of other Democratic and Republican lawmakers who grasp the basic reality of politics, they have never, not once shown a willingness to compromise on anything. Merely uttering the word is enough to draw a primary challenge."

"Shut up", he explains. The problem is millions of Americans using the political tools to advance an agenda? No, the problem is unthinking critics unable to articulate a coherent response.

"I will not compromise with a gun to my head", Obama. He will not compromise without a gun to his head. The house presented 7 bills that represented stages of compromise, the last of which was a delay of Obamacare, with a full funding of government.

For argument, let us suppose the Tea Party is the problem. Is the author demanding we all change our minds? Good luck with that.

finally, "burn down the village.", there are lots of villages that would do better is the DC village burned down. - Let my people go!


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