Codger on Politics

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Leftist Hate Speech

Leftist Hate Speech

U.S. Would Be Better Off if Boehner & Cruz Drown - Roger Simon, Politico

"Harsh? Look around you at what is happening to America and you will see harsh. I am not talking about closed parks and monuments. I am talking about the funds cut to nearly 9 million mothers and young children for food, breastfeeding support and infant formula.
That is harsh. Making a war against babies is harsh. And for what? Because Cruz, Republican senator from Texas, has grown so drunk on the sound of his own voice and so besotted with illusions of his own grandeur that he believes halting government today will propel him into the White House tomorrow?"

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I'll see that hate and raise: America would be better off if a localized global warming were to drowned all of DC and its inhabitants, ( hopefully N.Y city is somehow included.) The funds cut off is directly the responsibility of the president of the United States. He will not negotiate. He demands unconditional surrender. His Harry asks why he would want to save cancer patent children.

Harry also specifically is saying he doesn't want the House to pick and choose which parts of the government to be funded. Harry hasn't passed Constitution 101. That is the specific job of the House.

"That is undemocratic, they shout", In Constitution 102, we learn that we are in fact a republic with checks and balances on pure democracy. The House's ability to defund is one of those.

Hate on you mentally deficient, leftist, egotist.


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