Codger on Politics

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dems Win? No Way

Dems Win? No Way

"With the news breaking that John Boehner will allow a House vote on a Senate deal to end the crisis, meaning Republicans surrendered with nothing to show for weeks of crisis brinkmanship, how does that impact GOP fortunes heading into 2014?
Though the shutdown mess has given Dems a sizable lead in the generic House ballot matchup, that will almost certainly fade. But it could have a lasting impact if it enables Dems to recruit good candidates right now, which could matter to the outcome."

The liberals are counting their chickens before the vote in the house. Suppose the Republicans all vote against this measure followed by a bill including the removal of health care payments to congress and the executives.

It has been shown the Dems are all in for ObamaCare. Now if they are shown to be willing to default based on defending their own perks, they will be toast in the next elections.

The Dems will ride Obamacare into oblivion.

The republican votes need to be watched, and all votes for the deal, should put a target on the back of the republician house voters. As a sub topic, all incumbents need to primaried every time.


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