Codger on Politics

Monday, October 28, 2013

Progressive pseudo intellects

Progressive pseudo intellects

"The Tea Party's anti-intellectualism reflects a longer, deeper decline in the Republican Party's ability to tolerate a diversity of ideas and public-policy strategies, and to adapt to American multiculturalism. "

These are facts not in evidence. That is unsupported slander, dressed up as intellectual musings.

If Joe Smith instead for saying Obama is a liar, said he is a serial prevaricator it would be similar though in the context of when he spoke, the utterance of another lie by Obama, Joe Smith was justified.

The trick is to mix the unsupported assertions in with some reasonable statements within a discussion, so the reader doesn't have the chance to challenge the thought.

The assertion that the republicans are descending into un intellectual positions is not supported. Of course in the liberal echo chamber it need not since a true progressive will not be startled by the lack of evidence since they are in agreement in supporting the group mentality.

A truly diverse intellectual community will occasionally entertain other that the preconceived notions from the past. Republicans do, Democrats don't.


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