Codger on Politics

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A modest proposal

A modest proposal
"Many Republicans who might be open to some sort of reform will not accept legalization until security measures are not only passed but in place and working. Many Democrats will not accept anything less than immediate legalization. They will accept heightened security measures, but not as a condition for legalization."

I propose we grant immediate legalization in return for a pledge to neither seek nor accept any government support either federal nor state. No free education, no social security, no Medicare or medical. and no path to citizenship. The card issued should be something other than a green card. The card should have rfid or similar chip to allow the tracking at the boarder and any place else the government needs to assure the holder is not violating the terms of legal residence.

To provide a bridge for current illegal residents and to encourage registration, the benefits prohibited would be replaced with a cash award equivalent to the current value benefit, assuming the illegal aliens where currently using available benefits. The cash award would be in the form of prepaid health, education, retirement accounts to replace those benefits. The amount would be prorated based on the years worked in the United States. The benefit would decline with time so that applicant applying in one year, would get no benefit.

On the other hand, rather than paying social security, the equivalent amount would be paid to their medical and retirement accounts. While the card holder could not vote, he would have the constitutional rights of citizens, including speaking out to influence elections.

Since the benefits are so great, citizens should be allowed to voluntarily change to this status, including the cash award for current benefits, and the loss of citizenship.

Dave Farnsworth


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