Codger on Politics

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Progressive Vision is Scary

Romney's Vision Really Is That Scary - Jonathan Cohn, The New Republic
“Obama would preserve the safety net and most other federal programs, including the expansions of health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, then impose a combination of (relatively) moderate cuts to some federal programs and (relatively) moderate tax increases on the wealthy. Romney would dramatically reduce government, including the safety net, and dramatically reduce taxes, mostly to benefit the wealthy.”
President Obama would try but fail. If he wins anew term it will be with one or both houses opposed to his vision. We will have two parties struggling for control as we head for the fiscal cliff. Governor Romney, on the other hand would have the House (which controls spending with a veto power), and possibly both houses.  He would have the Republican approach which has recently fiscal success in Wisconsin, Mississippi, New Jersey, He would reduce government, and lower taxes, the formula to revive the economy.
With Obama, we go the way of Greece; with Romney we return the prosperity of the past.
Will you be hurt?  Probably, we are in the “new normal”, everyone suffers.  With Romney, you have a chance that we return to the “old normal”, maybe fewer freebies, but a opportunity to do as well as you can imagine.


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