Codger on Politics

Thursday, August 02, 2012

A completely non functional federal government would be an improvement

Ted Cruz, GOP's Latest Right-Wing Purist - Gail Collins, New York Times
The Senate seat in question is currently held by Kay Bailey Hutchison, a politically conservative and emotionally moderate Republican who liked working on undramatic issues like aviation safety. Cruz’s victory was the latest in a number of Tea Party triumphs in Republican primaries, and it certainly does suggest that next year the Republican Senate contingent will be composed almost entirely of right-wing purists and people who are afraid they’re going to be primaried by a right-wing purist.
It’s so ironic, people. The national electorate is totally turned off by partisan standoffs. You can almost hear the public imploring, will you guys please just make some back-room deals? And, at that same moment, the Republican candidates are being pushed into being more and more intractable.
Well they have to run hard to match the intractable Obama.
Texas money and Texas politicians helped create the Tea Party movement, and the state does tend to treasure the extreme. The current Republican state platform calls for an end to the teaching of “critical thinking” in public schools. In the Texas primary this week, a member of the State Supreme Court lost renomination to a former county judge who had made his name fighting for the right to work in a courtroom with a picture of the Ten Commandments on the wall and a monument to the Bible in the front yard.
That explains it.  I was born Texan, so I recovered from my liberal days. That or my feeling that liberal thought is an oxymoron.
federal agencies to abolish.”  Right on!


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