Codger on Politics

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Letting the magic of the individual self interest fix the economy.

Republicans Have No Jobs Plan - Juan Williams, The Hill
Don’t need a plan, unless you mean quite doing harmful things.
Even blindly optimistic estimates for the Keystone project top out at 20,000 new jobs that last for only two years. ” This doesn’t include the effect of cheaper oil.  This also doesn’t include the positive signal that the government will quit putting unreasonable restrictions on job creation.
It is interesting to note only 49 percent of Republican voters in the same poll said Romney has a plan to improve the economy. By contrast, 72 percent of Democratic voters said Obama does.”  This is just saying the democratic voters are more simple minded than the republican votes. Opinion poles do not influence reality.
The House GOP Conference’s website highlights 27 “jobs” bills that have passed the Republican House and await action by the Democratic majority in the Senate. Most of the GOP bills aim to undo government regulations on big business. But it is not clear how removing consumer protections and Dodd-Frank policing of Wall Street will lead to more jobs. Yet it is taken as an article of faith among Republicans that rolling back regulations will always lead to job creation.” If this is not clear, look to your own perceptions.  Look also look to the republican governors who are using this formula and have shown it works.
What is clear, time after time, the projections of the effect of government interference are always way off the mark.


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