Codger on Politics

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The politics of the grand deception

Holder Has Been "Stopped & Frisked" - Al Sharpton, Huffington Post
“The politics of politics. Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, has just pressed ahead with contempt charges against Attorney General Eric Holder. Attempting to argue that AG Holder somehow withheld information with regards to the Fast and Furious case, Issa has engaged in a political witch hunt that proves only one thing: the hypocrisy of GOP members for personal and Party benefit. ” Except Eric Holder is provide adequate evidence that he has in fact committed perjury.  Freely lying under oath must expect to elicit a response, even if no political partisanship were involved.
Note that Al Sharpton is not saying that Eric Holder is not guilty, as charged, only reporting the charges.  And when only 10% of what was asked is produced, is that not obviously withholding.  It would be smarter to deliver the 90% and hold back the critical 10%.
And where is the hypocrisy?  Is this a “your mother wares combat boots” kind of general purpose slander?  The republicans gave Holder over a year to get his act together. Where is the history that would show hypocrisy? They got after Clinton for perjury, and they defended Scooter Libby, but Liddy’s was a trumped up charge.
Everyday, people go to jail for perjury.  AG Holder went out of his way to endanger himself. Ever since Watergate, it is common knowledge that the cover-up is worse than the crime. Is the AG to get affirmative action consideration?
“The highest officer of law and order in this nation has been ridiculed, scapegoated and handled as some sort of criminal throughout this 'investigation.” Scapegoated- did Obama do that?
“First things first, let's remember that Fast and Furious was created under the Bush Administration.” Well, no.  That was another program. Even if it had been, wouldn’t Obama have reviewed it?.  He had the option of not continuing it.
“Not only did Issa and his counterparts never go after previous attorneys general or the Bush Administration itself,” – There it is, the supposed hypocrisy.  I don’t believe the previous AG was dumb enough to tell self contradictory accounts. I believe when the democrats were in control they did do everything to go after the administration.


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